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The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) received a complaint from a convict from Navoi prison
On September 9 this year, during a monitoring visit to penal colony No. 11 in Navoi region, the Ombudsman, his office, public groups and deputies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis met and talked with convict Dauletmurat Tadjimuratov.

During the conversation, D. Tadzhimuratov said that the conditions of food supply, medical care and literature in the colony were improving in a positive direction. He also stated that he was not tortured or harassed. There were also no signs of abuse in his appearance.

Following the conversation, D. Tadzhimuratov submitted a written appeal on behalf of the Ombudsman about his dissatisfaction with the court decision and issues of ensuring his rights and legitimate interests. His appeal was reviewed by the Ombudsman, studied by the Ombudsman’s office and sent to the Prosecutor General’s Office with the Ombudsman’s control letter for consideration in accordance with current legislation.

According to the conversations with the colony's management and the conducted studies, D.Tajimuratov is serving his sentence in accordance with the law. It ensures its rights defined in the Criminal Executive Code and implements the obligations defined in this Code. No special restrictions or benefits are provided.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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