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Under the leadership of the Ombudsman, conditions in closed institutions of Kashkadarya were studied
From September 22 to 25, 2022, the Ombudsman carried out a monitoring visit within the framework of the national preventive mechanism to institutions where persons with limited freedom of movement are kept in the Kashkadarya region in order to identify and prevent cases of torture.

A working group consisting of the Ombudsman, members of the secretariat, the regional representative of the Ombudsman in the Kashkadarya region and officials of the relevant state bodies, initially examined the conditions in pre-trial detention center No. 5.

On the monitoring day, it was found that this 500-seat prison contains 497 prisoners and 17 convicts involved in administrative work. 17 prisoners are women. When examining the cells where the women were kept, there were no complaints about the conditions created in the pre-trial detention center. The cells are equipped with radio equipment, no defects associated with the heating system were found.

However, when examining the cells, it was found that there was an unpleasant smell, which was caused by malfunctions of the plumbing and sewerage system in the reception hall.

At collective and individual meetings with prisoners, several women asked for judicial investigations, the participation of a representative of the Ombudsman in courts, and the replacement of the measure of restraint in the form of detention with a lighter one.

According to them, the prison staff get along well with the inmates, they have no problem meeting with family members and lawyers, and they receive parcels in a timely manner.

A group of representatives of the Ombudsman examined the rooms for short meetings, telephone conversations, kitchen, library and online conference rooms that allow online participation in courts, and made recommendations on the identified shortcomings.

In particular, the library with 2,977 books lacks the new edition of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is most in demanded by prisoners.

When checking the conditions for the provision of medical services to convicts and prisoners in the pre-trial detention center, it was found that 2 places are vacant. The shortage of staff in the treatment and prevention department is caused by a lack of interest on the part of medical specialists, despite the fact that some benefits are provided for working in closed institutions.

It should be noted that the Ombudsman is developing proposals for providing additional benefits to doctors working in closed institutions. The prison also has a dentist. The dentist comes 3 times a week, and at each appointment he conducts a medical examination and treats 10-15 prisoners. However, during the monitoring, it was found that the dental office is not maintained in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, and the Ombudsman made some recommendations.

As part of the monitoring, the issues set out in about 20 appeals sent to the Ombudsman from close relatives of detainees were studied, and interviews were held with prisoners about the appeals. It is also necessary to note the conditions created for close relatives of the persons held in this institution. The processes of receiving and examining parcels for prisoners are carried out with the help of an X-ray machine.

As a result of this convenience, which was implemented 5 months ago to avoid making the population wait and save time, transmissions that used to be received late are now completed by 4:00 pm. In addition, there are waiting areas for citizens and conditions for receiving citizens.

As part of the monitoring, a special reception of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Kashkadarya region was also inspected. Administrative detainees are kept in this institution for a period of three to fifteen days.

The necessary conditions have been created for the persons held in this building, which was put into operation in 2020. Women and men are placed in separate cells. They are given the opportunity to go for a walk every day and call their relatives, a library and a sports ground are also organized.

During the visit, temporary detention centers of the city of Karshi, Koson and Kitab districts, correctional colonies No. 2, 3 and 10, colony No. 35, the Rehabilitation Center, a dispensary, a hospital for neuropsychiatric diseases No. 1 and other closed institutions were visited, and also studied conditions created there. In order to ensure timely elimination of identified deficiencies, the recommendations of the Ombudsman will be sent to the competent ministries and departments.

The public group operating within the framework of the National Preventive Mechanism under the Ombudsman will continue monitoring visits to institutions where persons with limited freedom of movement are kept throughout the country. 

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)


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