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Open dialog with citizens on the basis of appeals sent from the Syrdarya region was conducted
During open dialogues and receptions of citizens in Syrdarya region, many appeals were received on recognition of rights to arbitrarily occupied land plots. Based on this, on August 26, 2024, another event “School of Ombudsman” was held in secondary general education school No. 3 in Gulistan district of Syrdarya region.

At the event, an open dialog was held with about 65 citizens of “Soyibabad”, “Mevazor”, “Bakhmal”, “Ishonch” mahallas.

At the beginning of the event, the participants were explained the content and meaning of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On the recognition of rights to illegally seized land plots and buildings and structures built on them» as well as the relevant administrative procedures.

It should be noted that at “Ombudsman School” events, topics aimed at raising public awareness are selected based on the content of appeals sent from a given territory.

Within the framework of the “Ombudsman schools”, the regional representative of the Ombudsman, the district governor and the head of the Syrdarya regional department of the public cadastral chamber organized receptions of citizens and received citizens' appeals.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)