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The condition of a convict patient sent to a medical facility in Kungrad district was reported
July 15 of this year, the regional representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman), made a monitoring visit in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, in the address colony number 27 in Kungrad district.

During the monitoring visit, the conditions of accommodation, food, provision of medical and preventive care to inmates, availability of sanitary facilities, premises for long meetings with close relatives and a library were examined.

The investigation revealed that the colony at the above address had undergone a major overhaul, including the construction of a sports ground (vorkout) for inmates, new shower cabins, and the renovation of the kitchen with the installation of new equipment.

Collective and individual meetings with inmates were also conducted as part of the monitoring.

There were no complaints about cases of torture at the meetings. During long-term meetings with close relatives, prisoners asked for assistance in improving the condition of the meeting rooms.

The recommendations of the regional representative of the Ombudsman were given on the shortcomings identified during the monitoring and appeals of inmates to the administration of the institution.

On the same day, the regional representative also participated in the meeting of the commission on the criteria for determining whether inmates have passed the path to recovery in the targeted colony.

The regional representative also visited convict J.K., who was hospitalized from the colony at the given address to the surgical department of the medical association of Kungrad district.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)