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There are 15 elderly people living in the “Sakhovat” boarding house in Tashkent, who have children
On May 30, 2024, the regional representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in Tashkent city, B. Masharipov, made a monitoring visit to the “Sakhovat” boarding home in Tashkent city.

In accordance with Cabinet of Ministers Decision No. 575 of September 17, 2021, a procedure has been established for the admission of elderly and retired persons living alone, as well as persons with disabilities of groups I and II from the age of 18 to the Sakhovat residential home. At present, they are provided with medical and social assistance by 6 doctors, 14 nurses and 28 junior medical staff, as well as a total of 96 household staff.

The conditions of accommodation, nutrition, and medical care of the elderly living there were studied in the “Sakhovat” boarding house. The conditions of food storage and shelf life of medicines were also examined.

When talking individually with the elderly residents of the boarding home, they expressed their gratitude to the management and staff of the Sakhovat home and have no complaints.

The regional representative of the Ombudsman was informed by the head of the institution that contrary to the established rules, 15 elderly people, who have children, live in the boarding home “Sakhovat”. The management of the institution was forced to admit the elderly to the institution because their children refused to take care of their parents.

According to Annex 1 of Cabinet of Ministers Decree No. 575 of September 17, 2021, Sakhovat residential homes are intended for single elderly persons permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan who have no relatives of the first degree of kinship in accordance with Article 57 of the Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan or guardians obliged to support them, are state medical and social institutions providing medical and social services to persons from 18 years of age, disabled persons of groups I and II, as well as single persons living alone.

Article 80 of the Constitution stipulates that able-bodied children of full age are obliged to take care of their parents.

Also, monitoring visits were made to boarding homes No. 1 and No. 2 for children with disabilities “Muruvvat” in the city of Tashkent.

During the visit, the conditions of accommodation, nutrition, access to medical care for children living in Muruvvat boarding homes were studied. The conditions created for children to spend their free time in the library, knitting room and gym were also examined.

In addition, individual conversations were held with children capable of talking.

For information: at present, a total of 640 children with mental retardation, severe and profound, and 120 children over 18 with disabilities live in Muruvvat residential homes for children with disabilities aged from 4 to 18 years. All necessary conditions have been created in the institutions also for children who cannot move independently.

In addition, a monitoring visit to the Muruvvat residential home for men with disabilities was conducted, where the conditions of the institution were studied.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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