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47 prisoners in a colony in Karakalpakstan need surgery – Ombudsman
The regional representative of the Obmudsman in Karakalpakstan made a monitoring visit to Colony No. 27. He was accompanied by representatives of the National Agency for Social Protection under the President of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Health of Karakalpakstan.

The monitoring participants checked the living conditions of prisoners, examined the showers, medical department, kitchen and food storage facilities, working conditions and premises for long visits. They made recommendations on the identified shortcomings.

The regional representative of the Ombudsman talked individually with prisoners, studied their opinion about the conditions in the institution and listened to their appeals.

All prisoners in the colony were examined by a team of 10 doctors using ultrasound, ECG and X-ray equipment.

As a result, 47 of them were diagnosed with "osteomyelitis" and "osteochondrosis" and prescribed inpatient treatment, they require surgery. In addition, 15 inmates were provided with medication as recommended by doctors.

Also, outpatient and inpatient treatment is scheduled for 20 people in the cardiology department of the polyclinic. Another 4 inmates were given eyeglasses on the recommendation of a doctor.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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