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The first Ombudsman-led monitoring took place in Navoi in 2024
On January 5, 2024, the Authorized person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) and members of his Public Group on Detection and Prevention of Torture made a monitoring visit to Correctional Colony No. 11, located in the city of Navoi.

The members of the public groups attended the participation of non-governmental non-profit organizations, including the chairpersons of the "Yuksalish" movement and the NGO "Legal Support", and familiarized themselves with the conditions in the institution.

During the visit, inmates were interviewed, and conditions in the colony's beds, kitchen, library, treatment unit, long- and short-term detention rooms, and production facility were examined.

During the inspection of inmates' beds, Dauletmurat Tadjimuratov, an inmate serving a sentence in this colony, was also met. During the interview, D. Tadjimuratov reported that food supply in the colony is good, there are no cases of torture and harassment, and the treatment and prevention department provides timely assistance when medical care is needed.

According to conversations with the colony management and research conducted, D. Tadjimuratov is serving his sentence in accordance with the law. It ensures his rights defined by the Criminal Executive Code and fulfills the duties defined by this Code. No special restrictions or benefits are provided. Also during the interview, the current legal requirements were explained to him.

In order to ensure timely elimination of the shortcomings identified during the monitoring visit, the Ombudsman's recommendations are forwarded to the competent ministries and agencies.

We recall that the analytical data prepared by the Ombudsman on the results of monitoring visits on the prevention of torture, including the shortcomings identified during the monitoring, are transmitted to the chambers of the Oliy Majlis and to the relevant State bodies.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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