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Official statement of the Ombudsman regarding the situation with the spread of torture
Reports spread on social networks that the 40-year-old brother of Daniyar Turakhodzhaev, Dilshodjon, who lives in the village of Chodak, Pop district of Namangan region, suspected of robbery, was tortured on April 12-15 this year by employees of the investigative department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Tashkent, his mouth and hands were bound with duct tape and he was mistreated.

Xasanboy Abdunabiev is suspected under article 2511- of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan of illegal manufacture, processing, receipt, storage, transportation or shipment of criminal drugs, their analogues or potent or poisonous substances that are not considered psychotropic substances, as well as in the preparation, receipt, storage, transportation, transfer or transfer of equipment for its illegal transfer.

We inform you that the complaint about torture against Gasanboy Abdunabiev, who is under the protection of lawyer U.M., received by the Ombudsman was quickly sent for execution, and on May 1 this complaint was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office in a separate control letter of the Ombudsman for consideration based on the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure Republic of Uzbekistan.

It is also planned to organize an extraordinary monitoring visit of the Ombudsman and representatives of public groups under his leadership, so that they can meet and talk personally with the persons mentioned in the messages.

It should be noted that appeals about torture sent to the Ombudsman, including messages published on social networks, are immediately taken under control and studied. The public will without fail be informed about the results of the study, in particular about the above appeal.

For reference: you can read the report of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) on the work done in 2022 to prevent torture through the website

Also, monitoring visits to closed institutions with limited freedom of movement, led by the Ombudsman, in which the media and bloggers, as well as members of the public participate, are covered openly and transparently.

We remind you that the members of the Public Groups for the Prevention of Torture under the Ombudsman are experienced and highly professional human rights activists, including Shukhrat Ganiev, director of the Humanitarian and Legal Center, Azam Farmonov, chairman of the NGO Legal Support, chairman of the international NGO Regional Dialogue Bekhzod Sharipov , director of the representative office of the Swedish organization "Central Asian Association" in Uzbekistan, Gulnoz Mamarasulova, chairman of the Republican Center "Istikbolli avlod" Nodira Karimova, chairman of the international women's public fund "Sharq Aioli" Saodat Tursunboeva, psychologist Shoira Isakova, as well as leading scientists and specialists, working in various fields and active members of the public.

Uzbekistan has chosen the path of combating any form of inhuman torture that degrades human dignity. In this context, allegations of torture are subject to special consideration. The Ombudsman is a supporter of the prevention and eradication of cases of torture.

Dear citizens, we ask you to refer to official sources when reading news and reports.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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