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Why was the person deprived of liberty not paid pension money?
In February of this year, the regional representative of the Authorized person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Jizzakh region, Utkir Juraev, organized a visiting reception for convicts serving sentences in colony-settlement No. 30 of the Zafarabad region.

At a visiting reception, a convict with a disability of the 2nd group A.O. reported that in December 2022 he applied to the court with a statement that he was deprived of liberty and his pension was not paid for 2 months.

This appeal was taken under the control of the regional representative of the Ombudsman and sent to the Zaamin district department of the off-budget Pension Fund.

As was reported to the Ombudsman, the “pension case” of citizen A.O. is being delayed due to the dispatch of the off-budget Pension Fund to the Zafarabad regional branch.

After the appeal of the regional representative of the Ombudsman, the pension funds of the convict for December 2022, January-March 2023 were fully paid in March of this year.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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