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With the support of the regional representative of the Ombudsman in Namangan region, the applicant was granted a soft loan
Citizen M.N., residing at the address Namangan region, Chust district, village Olmos, makhalla Bulokboshi, turned to the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) for practical assistance in adding her to the list of the women's notebook due to unfavorable family conditions.


The appeal was taken under control by the Ombudsman and sent for study to the regional representative in the Namangan region, Jahongir Valiev.

Jahongir Valiev conducted a study of this appeal on the ground. The head of the Namangan regional branch of the Yuksalish national movement, an employee of the Chust district department for mahalla and family support, the chairman of the Bulokbashi makhalla, as well as an assistant to the khakim of the Chust district on business development, employment and poverty reduction, also took part in the study of the appeal.

It was found that the applicant was in need of a stable income as her family conditions were unfavorable indeed and she was unemployed.

According to the results of the study, citizen M.N. was provided with a one-time financial assistance in the amount of 500 thousand soums in cash by the Bulokbashi makhalla and she was added to the list of the women's notebook.

In order for the applicant to receive a monthly income, the khakim's assistant allocated a soft loan based on the program “Every Family is an Entrepreneur”.

At the expense of these funds, 12 sheep worth 32 million soums were delivered to the house of a citizen for animal husbandry.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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