At the international roundtable discussion on the topic "The Role of the Ombudsman Institution in Ensuring Human Rights: The Experience of Uzbekistan and Finland," the speakers included foreign experts—Deputy Chancellor of Justice of Finland Mikko Pumalaine and Director of the Rule of Law Center at the University of Helsinki Tuija Brax. They shared their experiences with students in the field of human rights protection, international cooperation, and modern approaches to human rights issues.
Members of the "Ombudsman Club" also took part in the event. After the lecture, they had the opportunity to gain practical experience under the guidance of Ombudsman Institute specialists, participate in the review of citizens' appeals, attend public receptions, and observe monitoring visits to correctional institutions.
This international roundtable served as an important platform for students, allowing them to study international experiences in the protection and enforcement of human rights and to gain deeper insights into the activities of the Ombudsmаn of Uzbekistan and Finland.
The meeting was held in a format of active discussions and Q&A sessions. Students asked the speakers questions about pressing human rights protection issues, international standards, and national legislation. In turn, foreign experts answered the participants' questions, sharing their experiences and practical recommendations.
Press Service of the Commissioner of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman)