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Appeals from Pre-Trial Detention Facility No. 6 in Namangan Under Review
A monitoring visit to Pre-Trial Detention Facility No. 6 in Namangan region was conducted by J. Valiev, the regional representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman).

During the monitoring, the conditions of detainees’ sleeping arrangements, showers, dining facilities, food storage, library, medical unit, exercise yard, and heating systems in the cells were examined. It was noted that a new X-ray machine has been installed in the medical unit.

At the Ombudsman’s initiative, approximately 50 books of fiction were donated to the facility’s library.

Additionally, the regional representative of the Ombudsman held group discussions with approximately 130 detainees and individual meetings with 7 individuals to gather their opinions about the facility and accept their appeals.

Appeals from the "Ombudsman’s Boxes" installed on the premises of the facility were also collected. Individual meetings were held with 5 of the submitters to obtain further information regarding their appeals.

Based on the proposals and recommendations, measures of the Ombudsman’s intervention are being documented and submitted.

It is worth noting that analytical reports on deficiencies identified during monitoring visits aimed at preventing torture are submitted to the chambers of the Oliy Majlis by the Ombudsman.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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