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According to the Ombudsman's submission, shortcomings in the Syrdarya temporary detention facility have been eliminated
Based on the results of the monitoring visit to the temporary detention facility (TDF) of the IAB of Yangiyer city, the regional representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Syrdarya region on a number of shortcomings identified, the Ombudsman's submission was made to eliminate these facts.

Recently, a follow-up monitoring visit was made to the detention facility, during which it was found that the shortcomings identified had been eliminated in accordance with the regulations. In particular, a system of artificial ventilation has been installed in the isolation ward and shower rooms have been created. The cells are equipped with the necessary items and radio broadcasting facilities, and sufficient natural lighting has been provided. Work on the implementation of some recommendations is ongoing.

In the course of the monitoring, conversations with inmates were also held, opinions about the conditions of their detention were studied, and their appeals were accepted.

Press service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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