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Finland's experience in working with citizens' appeals
On 3 - 4 June 2024, a training seminar for the staff of the Ombudsman's Secretariat was organized in cooperation with the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman), the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Rule of Law Centre of the University of Helsinki and Nordic International University.

Mikko Puumalainen, Deputy Chancellor of Justice of Finland, was engaged as a trainer for the seminar. With many years of experience in the field of human rights, the foreign trainer familiarized the participants with their experience in such areas as mechanisms for dealing with citizens' appeals, the rights and powers of the Finnish Chancellor of Justice and the parliamentary ombudsman, and procedures for working with the public. It was emphasized at the seminar that Uzbekistan is also introducing new mechanisms of interaction with the people and consideration of appeals.

Mikko Pumalainen, Deputy Chancellor of Justice of Finland:

In the world, Ombudsman institutions play an important role in developing societies, ensuring the rule of law and safeguarding the rights of citizens. We are pleased that our Uzbek colleagues have shown interest in studying Finland's experience in the field of human rights. I personally work with complaints from the population and check whether the activities of courts and state bodies comply with the law. At the seminar, I will certainly try to provide a lot of useful information based on my own experience. The Ombudsman of Uzbekistan also has unique experience in dealing with citizens' appeals. For example, we consider only written applications, 80% of applications are received by e-mail. Individual receptions of citizens are not held. And in Uzbekistan's experience there are many opportunities to receive citizens' appeals.

It should be noted that the Finnish Chancellor of Justice's organization deals with appeals from officials, including ministers, judges and prosecutors. It is also possible to initiate criminal proceedings against officials suspected of illegal activities. The Chancellor of Justice also exercises judicial supervision over the impartial and lawful operation of courts and other judicial bodies.

The training workshop, organized in the form of free communication, was full of discussion questions and answers.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)