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A monitoring visit was made to correctional colony No. 11 of the Navoi region
May 22, 2023 under the leadership of the Regional Representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Navoi region Sh. Juraev, with the participation of the chief specialist of the Navoi city legal advisory bureau of the NGO "Madad", I. Akhatov, the head of the fifth regional coordination center, Lieutenant Colonel I .Sherov made a monitoring visit to the correctional colony No. 4 in Navoi.

First, reports were heard from the heads of institutions on their implementation of the plan of spiritual, educational and cultural events aimed at meaningful leisure activities for young people serving sentences in colonies, developed at the initiative of the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in the Navoi region through the ZOOM platform with the participation of the personnel of penitentiary institutions 4, 5.11 administered by the Fifth Regional Coordinating Center of the Department for the Execution of Sentences of the Ministry of the Interior

Also, the regional representative explained the procedure for organizing polling stations for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in places of detention and imprisonment. Based on this, precinct election commissions are responsible for including these persons in the list of voters and exercising their constitutional rights.

During the monitoring visit, the conditions created for convicts were studied, including bedrooms, utility rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, cell conditions, libraries, medical and preventive departments, rooms for long and short stays, industrial premises and workplaces, as well as with prisoners conducted individual interviews.

The Ombudsman's boxes installed in these institutions were examined and the appeals were accepted for execution.

The production conditions of the operating workshops, the quality of products, the conditions created for prisoners, compliance with the rules of technical safety in the workplace were studied.

It turned out that prisoners engaged in useful work were provided with special clothing and protective equipment. When interviewed, they reported that monthly wages are paid on time, and some convicts send part of the money to family members.

Along with this, the conditions in the canteen for prisoners were studied. It has been established that the prisoners are provided with food on the basis of the requirements of the standards approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, sanitary and hygienic rules are observed when storing food, and the necessary conditions are created by providing kitchen utensils and utensils.

After that, a field reception was organized by the Regional representative for the special contingent, the appeals of the convicts were heard, and 2 of them were resolved on the spot, and the remaining 3 were taken under control.

 Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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