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A monitoring visit was made to pre-trial detention center No. 1 of the Tashkent region
On May 6 this year, the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) and representatives of public groups under him made a monitoring visit to pre-trial detention center No. 1 of the Zangiata district of the Tashkent region.

During the monitoring visit, it was studied whether the rights and interests of persons held in a pre-trial detention center are ensured, provided for by the Criminal Code and the Law “On Detention in the Proceedings of a Criminal Case”.

The study reported a number of deficiencies in the remand pre-trial detention center, including that the sanitary and hygienic conditions in some cells were not up to standard, that detainees were not given enough time to walk, and there were reports of some grievances regarding the provision of medical services.

It is known that the criminal case against 22 persons accused of committing riots in Nukus on July 1-2, 2022 is being considered on appeal in the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court. For this reason, those of the 22 accused, for whom a measure of restraint in the form of detention was chosen, are kept in this pre-trial detention center.

During the monitoring visit, the cells where these accused were kept were also visited, in particular, the cell where Dauletmurat Tadjimuratov was kept. The interviews were conducted collectively and individually. They were informed that they had no objection to the conditions of detention and the provision of food.

  1. Tadjimuratov also stated that meetings with his lawyer and defense counsel are allowed, but the prison staff did not give him a sufficient explanation of his rights and obligations, so he expressed some objections regarding the staff.

According to the information received and on the basis of the studied documents, after D. Tadjimuratov was delivered to pre-trial detention center No. 1, he met with his defense lawyer 7 times, that is, his brother Renat Tadjimuratov and 2 times with his lawyer Sergei Mayorov.

Also during the visit, Dilshodjon Turakhujaev, who was detained on suspicion of committing a crime under Article 164 (Robbery) of the Criminal Code, and Khasanboy Abdunabiev on suspicion of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 251 (Illegal trafficking in potent or poisonous substances) were interviewed individually.

During the conversation, both persons confirmed the reports about themselves that have spread on social networks. In particular, according to D. Turakhujaev, he was subjected to moral and physical pressure in the department of internal affairs of the Pop district of Namangan region, and then in the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent.

For this reason, based on the results of the monitoring visit of the Ombudsman, a control letter was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office on ensuring a comprehensive, complete and legal investigation of the case of torture against D. Turakhujaev before the start of the investigation.

Even before that, the appeal of lawyer Kh. Abdunabiev to the Ombudsman was taken by the Ombudsman under control and the Ombudsman's control letter was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office to consider it in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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