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The conditions in enclosed spaces on abnormally cold days were studied
It is no secret that the sharp deterioration of the weather in our country has caused a number of difficulties in the life of society. These days, the Regional representatives of the Ombudsman made monitoring visits to study the conditions of detention of persons held in closed institutions with limited freedom of movement.

In particular, on January 12 and 14, 2023, the Regional Representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Khorezm region, Odilbek Ollayorov, made monitoring visits to the Khorezm regional branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific Narcological Center and Practical Medicine and Detention Center No. 11.

When checking the heat, electricity and gas supply of the regional branch of the Narcology Center in the Khorezm region, it was found that the building of the institution is heated using two coal-fired heating boilers and provided with a sufficient amount of coal reserves.

It has been established that the temperature in the rooms where patients are treated, in office premises and in common areas is below the established norm.

It was also established that there were interruptions in the supply of electricity according to the schedule, measures were taken for autonomous supply of electricity in such cases, the branch was equipped with water heating equipment for supplying hot water.

The management of the institution was recommended to replace the coal-fired boilers used for heating the branch building with modern economical boilers.

When communicating separately with patients, they had no objections and claims to the staff regarding the conditions and treatment.

It turned out that the Branch was provided with all the medicines necessary on the day of the inspection, the expiration date of which had not expired during a selective inspection.

When studying the conditions of detention and living conditions of prisoners held in Detention Facility No. 11, it was found that the heating equipment in the cells was working in good condition. However, due to the fact that part of the walls and the roof of the cells were damaged and needed to be repaired, the colony administration was given a recommendation to eliminate the discovered shortcoming.

When talking with the prisoners, there were no complaints about the conditions of their detention and the staff of the colony.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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