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Did Tajimuratov get permission from Jokargy Kenes to hold the rally?
In the building of the Bukhara Regional Court, the trial of a criminal case against 22 defendants in connection with the riots that occurred in the city of Nukus on July 1-2, 2022 continues.

It turned out that Dauletmurat Tadzhimuratov officially applied to Jokargy Kenes with a request to hold a rally against the relevant amendments to the Constitution. Based on his appeal, the rally was to take place on July 5.

At the court session, the testimonies of witnesses and defendants are studied, as well as video materials recorded during the days of demonstrations. In particular, the weapons used to pacify the population and their force of impact, as well as cases of warning the population before using weapons, are also being studied.

In court in this case, the prosecutor asked to sentence Tadzhimuratov to 18 years, Kallikhanova to 11 years, and athlete Azamat Turdanov to 8 years in prison.

The prosecutor also asked the court to sentence Akhmet Smetullaev to 9 years, Daolemurat Zhiemuratov to 9 years, Bakhtiyor Kadyrbergenov to 8 years, Bayram Seitniyazov to 7 years, Allabay Tokimbetov to 9 years, Kaharman Seitimov to 6 years in prison.

The public prosecutor asked the court to impose 7 years in prison for Azamat Nuratdinov, 7 years for Saidabullu Medetov, 7 years for Nurlan Nayipov, 7 years for Polat Shamshetov, 8 years for Razbek Bekmuratov and 8 years for Sultanbek Kaipov.

The prosecution asked to imprison Polat Nurniyazov for 6 years, Saiypnazar Kalimov for 7 years, Nurlan Sultamuratov for 5 years, Arislan Temirkhanov for 7 years, Amirbek Adilbekov for 7 years.

The prosecution asked for 3 years of restriction of freedom for Salamat Kalilaev and Berdakh Genzhebaev.

Members of the commission for studying the circumstances and events that occurred in the Republic of Karakalpakstan take part in the court session. According to the information received, the trial is being conducted in accordance with the established requirements.

With the support of members of the commission, Navbakhor Imomova, correspondent and editor of the Voice of America an international multimedia broadcaster, is following the trials.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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