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Regional representative of the Ombudsman in Bukhara region met with convicts suffering from tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that develops when bacteria enter the body. It starts showing up gradually. Pathogenic bacteria do not manifest themselves in the patient's body for a very long time. It often develops and multiplies in the lungs and its tissues.

In our country there are prisoners suffering from this disease. Since this disease is contagious, patients should be isolated. Therefore, in Uzbekistan there is only one special regime colony where convicts with tuberculosis are kept.

Monitoring visits to closed institutions with limited freedom of movement under the leadership of the Ombudsman also cover specialized medical correctional colony No. 20, located in the Bukhara region.

On October 31, 2022, the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in the Bukhara region, Abira Huseynova, made a monitoring visit to this institution in order to study the appeals of prisoners.

The Regional Representative first visited the treatment ward and familiarized herself with the conditions created for prisoners, the medical staff's offices, the wards where sick prisoners are kept, and the mental calming room. It was found that the institution has a sufficient number of medicines, laboratories, technical equipment, including an X-ray machine, a dentist's table and other necessary tools in working condition.

Then the Regional Representative got acquainted with the kitchen and the process of preparing food for the prisoners. Food storage areas were inspected.

The premises intended for short-term and long-term meetings with close relatives of convicts serving sentences in the colony also did not go unnoticed by the Regional Representative. Because convicts recovering in a special colony are immediately isolated and their health is checked. Relatives of prisoners can come and meet with them. Prisoners in solitary confinement are not allowed long visits. This procedure was introduced to protect the health of their family members.

After that, appeals were withdrawn from the “Ombudsman's Boxes” installed in the living quarters of the colony for prisoners' appeals for study.

In addition, conversations were held with convicts serving sentences in the colony in turn, in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules, legal advice was given on their appeals.

As part of the monitoring visit, the Regional Representative of the Authorized Person for Human Rights in Bukhara talked with staff working in this colony and received answers to questions about whether they were provided with the conditions provided for by law and whether there were delays in paying monthly wages.

Based on the results of this study, no shortcomings were identified in the conditions created for convicts serving sentences in the colony, and convicts who are involved in works in the colony.

 Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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