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What questions did the convicted address to the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in Bukhara?
It is known that the Regional Representatives of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) carry out regular monitoring visits to closed institutions where freedom of movement is limited, and the conditions created for the persons held there are regularly studied. As part of such visits, collective and individual conversations with prisoners are held, and their appeals are accepted.

During one of these visits by the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in the Bukhara region, Abira Huseynova, to penitentiary institution No. 17, prisoners expressed a desire to learn such professions as woodworking and metalworking, sewing hats. After this proposal was brought to the attention of the heads of the relevant Department for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in cooperation with the regional branch of the trade union of artisans, 3-month vocational training courses were organized in this penitentiary institution on the basis of the “master-student” principle in 8 areas of handicraft activity, in including wood carving, author's furniture, metal products, miniatures, color painting, mosaics, stone carving, headwear, national shoes.

It should be noted that the training of prisoners in new professions is important for the moral re-education of convicts serving sentences in penitentiary institutions, the formation of a sense of remorse for their crimes and their return to society.On October 26, 2022, certificates were awarded to 49 convicts who completed advanced training courses in these areas. The event was attended by the Regional Representative of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Bukhara region, the head of the correctional colony No. 17 of the Sixth District Section of the Department for the Execution of Punishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a representative of the Hunarmand department of the Bukhara region.

The participants were provided with detailed information about the conditions created for mastering the profession by convicts currently serving sentences, and those who completed these professional courses and received a certificate in the relevant specialty, after release, about starting their entrepreneurial activities on the basis of social assistance provided by the state .

On the same day, the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in Bukhara also got acquainted with the conditions created for prisoners in this penitentiary institution.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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