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Under the leadership of the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in the Navoi region, the state of health of convicts is being studied - The vision of 3 convicts has been restored
On the initiative of the Regional Representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Navoi region, from August 1 to August 5 of this year, convicts held in correctional colonies No. 5 and 11 underwent a full medical examination with the involvement of medical specialists from the territorial medical institution in accordance with the approved joint plan.

On September 6-7 this year, the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman Sh. Juraev, with the participation of the Navoi Regional Prosecutor's Office, made a monitoring trip to correctional colonies No. 5 and 11 of the Navoi Region and, based on the results of the above-mentioned medical examination, measures for the treatment of convicts were determined.

As part of the monitoring visit, it was decided to send 11 convicts to a specialized hospital in Tashkent. The remaining 19 prisoners began treatment in the colony itself.

Also, at the expense of the khokimiyat of the Navoi region and the Sakhovat and Kumak Foundation, 3 blind convicts were sent to the Navoi eye hospital for eye operations. They have now regained their sight.

During the monitoring visit, the conditions created for persons serving a sentence were studied, including sleeping places for convicts, kitchens, shower rooms, libraries, medical rooms, rooms for long and short meetings and group and individual conversations were held with them.

It was established that on the territory of the residential premises and the production enterprise, the common latrines, shower rooms and changing rooms for prisoners were renovated completely cosmetically and equipped with the necessary equipment this year.

Also, when studying the working conditions of prisoners, it was found that they were involved in useful work and were provided with special clothing, hats and protective equipment. When asked about monthly wages - it was noted that wages are paid on time.

After that, the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman organized an admission of convicts. The appeals of 12 convicts were considered, 9 of which were addressed for execution.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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