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Were human rights violated while covering the events in Karakalpakstan?
Due to the large number of citizens who arrived at the headquarters of the Commission on August 23, changes were made to the work plan of the members of the Commission. Initially, the applications of all citizens who came to the headquarters were accepted. In some cases, it was enough to give a legal explanation, and some appeals were taken under control.

It is known that foreign and local media pay special attention to the events in Karakalpakstan, and human rights organizations and human rights activists provide constant information about the events. Among the applicants who visited the headquarters of the Commission, many citizens reported that they were in the center of attention of foreign law enforcement organizations and that their names were mentioned in false news.

It is worth noting that during the interview of family members of persons suspected of involvement in the events that took place in Karakalpakstan, some of them stated that they needed social assistance. These appeals were studied on the spot and written appeals were sent to the competent institutions. As a result, on the recommendation of the Commission, the Ministry for Support of the Mahalla and the Older Generation delivered essential groceries to these needy families.

In the afternoon, meetings were held with active citizens of the mahalla in Karakalpakstan and senior officials and teachers of higher educational institutions, the mood of the population was studied. An anonymous survey was also conducted regarding incidents and events that took place in Karakalpakstan.

This questionnaire includes questions regarding the causes of demonstrations in Karakalpakstan, measures taken by law enforcement agencies, the quality of medical care for victims, torture and violence, and other aspects.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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