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Information regarding the progress of the investigation is being studied
On August 22, members of the Commission began their work by accepting appeals from citizens which were received through the Headquarters. During the reception, family members of persons detained on suspicion of participating in the events in Karakalpakstan left about 10 appeals.

Citizens expressed satisfaction with the fact that they are regularly informed about the activities of the Commission through the telegram channel @commissionuz, and that the news provided in the Karakalpak language.

After that, a meeting was held with lawyers defending the rights of those brought to criminal responsibility in a case initiated in connection with the events in Karakalpakstan.

During the meetings with the lawyers, the focus was on whether there were objections to their meeting with their clients, as well as the current situation of the person under the lawyer's protection.

During the meeting, the lawyers provided information about the circumstances related to the criminal case of the defendant, the course of the investigation and other situations.

During the meeting of the members of the commission with senior officials of the prosecutor's office, information was received on the investigation of a criminal case initiated in connection with the events and situations that occurred in Karakalpakstan.

In particular, special attention was paid to ensuring that the investigative actions were carried out in accordance with the law, the condition of the detainees, the provision of lawyers, the constant participation of the defenders in the investigative process and the conditions created for them.

On the same day, a meeting was held with youth, where an anonymous survey of about 30 young men and women was organized.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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