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In Fergana, appeals of persons with disabilities to the Ombudsman have been positively resolved
The Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) was approached by a citizen N.O disabled person of group 1, living in the Fergana region, Uzbekistan district, on Turkestan street, expressing dissatisfaction with the service of medical personnel in the area, untimely medical examination, lack of drug provision. She also complained that she was not provided with appropriate material assistance.

This appeal was sent for study to the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in the Fergana region Alisher Komilov. The Regional Representative studied the appeal with the involvement of relevant specialists from the khokimiyat of the district, employees of the district medical association.

It turned out that in fact the citizen is a disabled person of the 1st group and is registered due to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. When she was re-examined by district health officials and it was found that patient have convulsive reflexes in her legs, dysfunction and limitation of movement, inferior paraparesis, and complications of knee arthritis.

The patient was treated and appropriate recommendations were given.

It was also established that the applicant O.N. had good living conditions, was not registered as a low-income family and was treated in Tashkent in the direction of the district medical association.

Considering the fact that she is a disabled person of the 1st group, she has been registered with the 3rd stage of the “women's notebook”, according to which the citizen will be provided with one-time material assistance in the amount of 1 million 80 thousand soums.By order of the Uzbekistan District Medical Association dated June 7, 2022, two officials of the district multidisciplinary central polyclinic were brought to a disciplinary sanction “reprimand” for failing to timely study the condition of a disabled person of group 1, medical examination and appropriate treatment.

Also, citizen K.Yu. with a disability of 2 group also applied. In her statement, she indicated that she was bedridden due to a minor stroke and needed financial assistance, as she was constantly being treated at home.

The applicant reported that by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures for targeted support of socially vulnerable segments of the population” dated May 25, 2022, she was allocated one-time material assistance. With the support of the Regional Representative, it was ensured that material assistance allocated by the state was received at the place of residence of citizen K.Yu.

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