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What are the conditions in the places of detention of persons with limited freedom of movement in the Bukhara region?
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP - 5163 dated June 26, 2021 “On additional measures to improve the system for detecting and preventing cases of torture”, the Ombudsman and the Public Groups established to detect and prevent torture conduct regular monitoring visits to places of detention of persons with limited freedom of movement.

On May 30 and June 2 of the current year, the Ombudsman, the staff of the Secretariat and the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in the Bukhara region, as well as Public groups conducted monitoring visits to places of detention of persons with limited freedom of movement in the Bukhara region.

On the first day of the visit, a monitoring visit was made to colony No. 20 in Kagan. The special contingent is designed for 700 people and proper conditions have been created for convicts serving sentences in this colony.

Then the conditions created for prisoners in the temporary detention center of the Bukhara City Department of Internal Affairs were studied. The institution, designed for 100 people, has been renovated and proper conditions have been created in the shower rooms and walking areas, as well as bathrooms.

On the second day of the visit, a monitoring visit was made to the penal colony No. 1 of the Kogan district. This colony is intended for serving sentences of convicts in the general regime. More than 86 percent of convicts serving sentences in the colony are involved in socially useful work.The production facilities of the colony have workshops for wood processing, concrete brick (foam block) production, marble stone processing, sewing production and glassware (bottles) cleaning.

The colony has 6 rooms for short-term meetings and 12 for long-term meetings, where relatives can meet with their relatives. The treatment and prophylactic block of the colony is equipped with the necessary medicines for the treatment of convicts, the department has X-ray, ECG, ultrasound and dental equipment.

The next destination was Detention Center No. 4 in Bukhara. During the visit, prisoners' dormitories, the medical department, dressing rooms, shower rooms and sanitary facilities, libraries, as well as the kitchen were inspected. Collective and individual meetings with the detainees were held in the cells.

After that, monitoring of correctional colony No. 17 of the Karaulbazar district was carried out. About 50% of convicts serving their sentences in this colony, according to the Criminal Executive Code, are involved in socially useful work. The production facilities of the colony have shops for furniture and wood processing, iron processing, brick production, stone cutting, mosaic production and sewing shops.

It is worth noting that during a visit to the colony last year, the Ombudsman recommended the repair of the medical department of the colony, food places, bathrooms and sleeping places for convicts. During this visit, it turned out that these recommendations were taken into account by the Department for the Execution of Punishments and that the above-mentioned places of the colony and the long-term meeting room were completely renovated.On the last day of the visit, monitoring visits were made to the Special Reception Office of the Bukhara Regional Department of Internal Affairs for the Reception and Detention of Administrative Detainees and the Rehabilitation Center for the Homeless, as well as the Bukhara Regional Branch of the Republican Specialized Narcological Practical Medical Center.

Attention was drawn to the fact that during this visit it turned out that the recommendations of the Ombudsman, which were given last year on the reconstruction of the Rehabilitation Center for persons without a specific place of residence, were also taken into account. On the day of the visit, it became known that the Center for the Rehabilitation of Persons for 75 places for persons without a fixed place of residence was rebuilt by the Regional Department of Internal Affairs and put into operation in accordance with modern requirements since the beginning of this year.

During the visit, individual and collective conversations were held with prisoners and convicts. From them and their family members, in the process of communication, a number of appeals were received, which were taken into consideration. These appeals concerned the provision of material assistance, housing and others. It is worth noting that there were no complaints about the use of torture or other ill-treatment, conditions and food provision in the institutions.

It became known that the compulsory treatment department of the Bukhara regional branch of the Republican Specialized Narcological Practical Medical Center is designed for 85 patients, on the day of the visit there are 120 patients in the institution. After the monitoring of the institution, recommendations were made to create comfortable conditions for patients.

It should be noted that analytical data prepared by the Ombudsman on the results of monitoring visits to prevent torture, including shortcomings identified during the monitoring, are provided to the relevant state bodies, as well as the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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