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Protection of human rights in the Turkic-speaking Countries
On May 25 this year, the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) took part in the international conference "Protection of human rights in the Member States of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking Countries" in Baku, Azerbaijan. The conference is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Ombudsman Institute of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The main goal of the conference, organized within the framework of the Assembly, is to establish a dialogue and strengthen cooperation between members of parliament and the Human Rights Ombudsmen, as well as to exchange views and study the best practices of countries in the field of human rights protection.

The event consisted of two sessions on the topics "The role of parliaments in the protection of human rights" and "The importance of improving legislation for the effective functioning of ombudsman institutions."

Speakers at the conference focused on the work and results of human rights activities in their countries.

Speaking at the event, the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) Feruza Eshmatova, talking about the activities of the institution, drew attention to the state policy and the results achieved in the country to ensure human rights.

She also noted the monitoring visits of the Ombudsman to penal institutions to prevent torture and its importance, the provision of additional rights and powers to work with public appeals, and the strengthening of the activities of the Ombudsman in the regions.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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