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Representative of the Ombudsman in Samarkand region got acquainted with the conditions of detention of convicts
On February 19 of this year, the regional representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Samarkand region, Diyor Khusanov, visited colony-settlement No. 38 of the city of Samarkand, where he got acquainted with the conditions of detention of convicts.

The regional representative first spoke to family members of the convicts who came to long meetings. At the meeting, they expressed satisfaction with the conditions in the institution and the treatment of the staff.

During the monitoring visit, it turned out that there are only 3 rooms for long-term meetings in the targeted colony. And this, in turn, is much less in relation to the number of convicts in the colony. To the objection of the regional representative on this issue, the head of the colony said that the construction of 8 more premises for long meetings has begun, the construction of which will be completed before the end of the second quarter of this year.

The kitchen of the colony and the premises in which food is stored also did not go unnoticed by the regional representative. It turned out that good conditions for eating have been created in the kitchen, additional premises are being built today, and the requirements for food storage are strictly observed.

The monitoring did not reveal any shortcomings related to the provision of medical services and medicines to convicts.

After a collective conversation with the convicts, individual conversations were also held with the convicts, who requested a private meeting with a regional representative.

One of the convicts asked for practical assistance in transferring him to one of the colonies in the Kashkadarya region, since his permanent place of residence is there. The justification was difficult family circumstances, the illness of the mother and the difficulty in visiting him by family members.

The convict, whose family members live in the Kyrgyz Republic, also asked for help to be transferred to one of the colonies in the Tashkent region, due to difficult family circumstances.

After that, a meeting was held with the staff of the colony and the meaning of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to improve the activities of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)” signed on September 10, 2021 was explained. In particular, the theme of the prevention of torture and other inhuman or degrading persons with disabilities in places of detention was touched upon.

In addition, the regional representative also took part in a meeting of the commission established in the institution to consider the compliance of the application of incentive measures to convicts with the established criteria. It discussed the issue of encouraging five convicts held in the institution. Documents were studied on the compliance of the behavior of these convicts with the established criteria, conversations were held with the convicts about the conditions in their family and attitude towards them, about providing them with socially useful work after release, about their positive attitude towards work, towards the crime committed, and following the results of the conversations, a proposal to encouragement was supported by members of the public.

On the initiative of the regional representative, the convicts were given books on personal development. Also, fiction was donated to the library of the institution.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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