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The activity of the Authorized Person for Human Rights (Ombudsman) for 2023 was discussed
The fifty-first plenary session of the Senate reviewed the report of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) regarding activities in 2023.

As noted, the Ombudsman Institution in 2023, based on new constitutional provisions, provides effective parliamentary control over the observance of legislation on human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, conducts a number of activities aimed at improving national legislation and the national preventive mechanism, developing international cooperation, as well as raising the legal awareness and culture of citizens. In particular, positive results have been achieved thanks to the measures taken to prevent repeated applications.

In 2023, the Ombudsman recovered the sum of 2 billion 150 million soums on the basis of received applications.

In addition, 38 citizens have been reinstated, 23 citizens have been employed, 11 lawsuits have been filed with the courts on the basis of the Ombudsman's appeal, and 10 citizens have been assisted in self-employment.

In 2023, as a result of consideration of appeals to the Ombudsman, 12 criminal cases were initiated, one of the criminal cases was reclassified. In 57 cases, rulings on refusal to initiate criminal proceedings were cancelled by the competent prosecutors. Furthermore, five responsible officers were dismissed from their posts.

Disciplinary penalties were imposed on 29 employees and 17 persons were brought to administrative responsibility.

In the course of the discussions, measures to eliminate the identified violations of legislation in the field of human rights and freedoms were noted, an increase in the amount of propaganda work through the media was noted, and the study and prompt response to reports related to cases of torture published in the media and the world information network Internet was particularly positively assessed.

At the meeting it was noted that in 2023 the Ombudsman received 2662 appeals from persons held in places of detention of persons with restricted freedom of movement, their close relatives and defenders (lawyers). Of these, 984, or 37.0%, are appeals directly from convicts (prisoners).

As a result of these appeals, the punishment imposed on 57 convicted persons was changed to a more lenient one, and the preventive measure chosen for 17 defendants was also changed to a more lenient one.

Activities under the " Ombudsman School" project, aimed at raising the legal awareness and legal culture of the population, which were organized in 54 districts of the country. It was noted that within the framework of the project free medical examinations of citizens living in mahallas, "labor fairs" were organized in cooperation with "Ishga Markhamat" monocenters and free mobile services were provided to the population, and based on its effectiveness, the senators recommended to cover all districts as far as possible in the next years.

The meeting also included information on the Ombudsman's activities in the areas of legal analysis, international cooperation, legal advocacy and public relations.

It was noted that during the discussions effective measures were taken to eliminate the identified violations of human rights and freedoms, and the amount of promotional work through the mass media has increased.

The research and prompt response to reports of cases of torture published in the media and on the World Wide Web were particularly commended.

With that, some suggestions were made by the senators on Ombudsman's activities.

The matter was acted upon by the Senate.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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