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The Ombudsman is always in touch and conducts transparent activities
A message titled “A convict has committed suicide.” appeared on social networks. It says that K.Sh. who was serving a sentence in penal colony No.10 in Kashkadarya region committed suicide by swallowing a blade. K.Sh.’s brother stated that he was taken out of the cell and transferred to the medical unit as his condition was severe, and that when contacting the Ombudsman or the Central Penal Correction Department they told that information on this matter should be delivered to them at first instance and not posted on social media (later this message was deleted for unknown reasons by the person who posted it).

Before the message spread on social networks, the brother of the prisoner K.Sh. reached out to  the member of the Public Group for the detection and prevention of cases of torture under the Ombudsman, and said that the person who posted the above message on social networks gave him the phone number and recommended to call.He provided the above information about his convict brother and asked for practical assistance on this matter.

After the conversation, the member of the Public Group who received the call reported it to the staff of the Ombudsman and the situation was investigated under supervision by the Ombudsperson.

During the investigation, according to the preliminary information received, on September 22 and 26, 2023 convict K.Sh. told prison staff that he had swallowed a foreign object. He was immediately taken to the medical unit where an X-ray examination revealed no foreign objects in the abdominal cavity or gastrointestinal tract.

The Ombudsman submitted a letter of inquiry to the Prosecutor General's Office to review the information received by the member of the Public group and to make a legal assessment of the situation.

It should be noted that any information and reports received by the Ombudsman’s staff and members of the Public Groups regarding persons held in detention facilities will be investigated by the Ombudsperson’s supervision.

Also, we would like to remind that it is possible to contact the Ombudsperson via website, where the work  contact numbers of the employees are also indicated.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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