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Opinions of international observers on the conduct of electoral processes
These days, Feruza Eshmatova is meeting with fellow international observers who have arrived in our country to observe the electoral process. On July 8 this year, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Uzbekistan met with the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Atyrau Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan AlmazAbildaev, and today, on July 9, a meeting was held with the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region of the Russian Federation T. Merzlyakova and the Commissioner for Human Rights in Novosibirsk region of the Russian Federation N. Shalabaeva.

During the meeting, F. Eshmatova highlighted the reforms carried out in recent years in the field of protecting human rights and freedoms in our country, in particular, on April 30 this year, for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, the highest legal document - the New Constitution was adopted on the basis of referendum, in which the principles of human rights were raised to the highest level of value.

During the conversation, the guests were informed about the institute's work with citizens' appeals, monitoring visits to closed institutions with limited freedom of movement to prevent torture, international cooperation, legal analysis and cooperation with civil society institutions and representatives of non-governmental non-profit organizations.

Also during the conversation, it was noted that since 2022, the activities of the regional representatives of the Ombudsman in the regions have been established, which created the opportunity to travel and study applications immediately.

The representatives of the Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk regions of the Russian Federation noted that the elections were well prepared, there were no violations of the law or shortcomings, all processes were organized openly and transparently. All conditions have been created for voters to vote, the main thing is that citizens should not be indifferent, - said T. Merzlyakova, a representative of the Human Rights Administration in the Sverdlovsk Region.

During the meeting, the ombudsmen exchanged views on strengthening mutual cooperation in the field of human rights protection, consideration of citizens' appeals and exchange of experience.

 Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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