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With the intervention of the Ombudsman, women with disabilities in the Muruvvat house were issued identity documents
A group of women living in the women's home "Muruvvat" for the disabled in Bukhara turned to the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) with a request for help in obtaining an identity document.

It was established that 5 women with disabilities living in this institution for almost 35 years did not have birth certificates and identity documents. They were admitted to the Muruvvat house in 1995 on the basis of a medical report. The applicants reported that the issue of obtaining an identity document was raised several times, but there was no positive result.

This issue was taken under the control of the Ombudsman and studied by the regional representative in the Bukhara region, Abira Huseynova. After 6 months of research, the registry office refused to consider issuing identity documents to these women due to the lack of documents to establish the fact of birth. After that, taking into account their incapacity due to disability, the Ombudsman filed an application with the Bukhara Interdistrict Court for Civil Cases to determine citizenship of these women.

The issue was discussed at an offsite court session in Muruvvat's house. The application of the Ombudsman, filed in the interests of 5 citizens, was fully satisfied by the court.

On the basis of all relevant documents, ID cards of citizens were issued and handed over to their owners.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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