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If two people with disabilities live in the same house, only one of them will receive social assistance?
A resident of the city of Navoi V.N. appealed to the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) with a complaint about the lack of social assistance to his brother S.N., who has a disability of group 1.

This appeal was sent to the regional representative of the Ombudsman in the Navoi region, Shukhrat Juraev, for study on the spot. The regional representative formed a working group with the participation of the heads of the regional department for the development of medical and social services, the appointment of Pensions and benefits, the Mahalla Support Department and the older generation, and went to the site to study the appeal. The applicant and his brother were interviewed and the documents on the matter were examined.

It turned out that brothers with disabilities live in the same apartment. Both of them are listed as disabled people of the 1st group for eye diseases. But only one of them receives social assistance. That is, according to the relevant legislation, a social worker appointed by the Department for the Development of Medical and Social Services of the city of Navoi provides social services to the elder brother according to the established schedule, and instead of the monthly delivered free food and hygiene products, additional payments are made in the amount of 1 times the amount of the main calculation. The younger brother with disability group 1 does not receive any assistance.

In order to include citizen S.N. in the list of single citizens and assign him the established benefits, the conclusion of the Ombudsman was sent to the relevant organizations. Currently, a social worker is assigned to the citizen to assist in housework and the appointment of a monthly payment is ensured.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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