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Complaint of a citizen who was cut off electricity and gas, considered on the spot
The social network Facebook spread the news that the house of citizen O. Abdullayeva was illegally disconnected from electricity and gas, so she and her three minor children are forced to live in difficult conditions. Regarding this message, which attracted public attention, Internet users left comments on the Facebook page of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis (Ombudsman) and asked to take control of the situation.

Also earlier, citizen O. Abdullayeva turned to the Authorized Person for Children's Rights (Children's Ombudsman) about the violation of the rights of her children through a social network.

After that, the employees of the Authorized Person for Children's Rights and the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) went to the place of residence of O. Abdullayeva and got acquainted with the current situation in order to carefully study the appeal.

According to the decision of the Supreme Court dated February 17, 2022, the cassation complaint of O. Abdullayeva on the claim of Training Project LLC for eviction against O. Abdullayeva in exchange for another dwelling was considered and rejected.

At present, it has become known that the court case on the complaint of O. Abdullayeva is being considered again in the cassation instance. In this regard, the execution of court documents was suspended.

However, despite this, during the field survey on October 31, 2022, it was found that the house owned by O. Abdullayeva was completely disconnected from gas and electricity supply. In addition, it became known that 3 minor children live in this apartment, 2 of them are of school age (one of them is restricted in movement due to a medical injury). It turned out that their ability to do their homework was significantly limited due to the power outage, and because of the gas outage, it was not possible to cook and heat the house.

According to the applicant, although she applied to "Khududgaztaminot JSC and “Hududiy Elektr Tarmoqlari” JSC, he was not provided with grounds for disconnecting from public services during the period of contractual obligations.

The apartment of citizen O. Abdullayeva is located next to a construction site, which poses a danger to the life of the applicant and her children. The fact that the house was cut off from gas and electricity seems like an artificial reason to force them to leave their place of residence.

Based on the results of the field consideration of the appeal, an appeal was made to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding the full protection of the rights of the owner, in particular, the full protection of the rights of the consumer by the district JSC "Khududgaztaminot" and "Hududiy elektr tarmoqlari" in accordance with legal documents, and immediate measures to be taken to resolve this situation.


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