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The Ombudsman submitted statements of claim to the court in the interests of 9 citizens living in "Muruvvat" houses
Employees of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) and Regional Representatives, along with regular monitoring visits to places of detention of persons with limited freedom of movement, also regularly study the conditions of detention in Muruvvat houses, where elderly people who have lost their breadwinner and are lonely, and as well as persons with disabilities.

In August of this year, the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in the Samarkand region, Diyor Khusanov, visited and got acquainted with the conditions in the “Muruvvat” institutions in the Samarkand region, Urgut region, intended for men and women.

Residents of the "Muruvvat" house expressed satisfaction with the living conditions, as well as food, medicines and the attitude of employees towards them.

However, in the course of monitoring studies, it was found that some patients living in the institution do not have identity documents. A similar situation was observed in the  home "Muruvvat" for women.

Based on the appeal of the officials of the Muruvvat house, the essence of the issue was studied. Officials note that the document, which at first glance seems trivial, can cause serious problems over time. It may even be impossible to provide assistance to these people who are in full state care. This problem can be resolved through the courts. However, when filing a claim, you must pay a state fee. The institution does not have funds for such expenses.

Based on the above, the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) filed claims in favor of 9 patients of the Muruvvat houses.

In turn, through correspondence with the relevant state institutions, the necessary documents of 9 patients with mental illness were collected and submitted to the court.

On October 18, 2022, the Ombudsman's statement of claim was considered at an offsite court session of the Urgut District Court for Civil Cases.

As a result of the court session held in the "Muruvvat" house, the claims to establish the fact of birth of 6 patients were satisfied. Found documents of 3 persons.

Persons registered on the basis of a court decision are issued identity documents - passports.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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