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The report on the use of torture in investigative processes was taken under the control of the Ombudsman
On September 15, 2022, a video titled “Is the old regime still preserved in Andijan?” was published on the Telegram channel. The report says that the case of 5 young people from Andijan is currently being considered in the court of appeal, none of the accused pleaded guilty, and that psychological and physical pressure is applied to the accused during the investigation.

According to the Decree of the head of state dated September 26, 2021 “On additional measures to improve the system for detecting and preventing cases of torture”, public groups have been created under the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights to identify and prevent torture, and they are entrusted with the task of identifying and promptly eliminating cases of torture by submission of applications to the relevant state body and participation in the consideration of complaints about cases of torture.

Based on the foregoing, we inform you that this report on torture has been taken under control by the Ombudsman and detailed information will be provided on it.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (оmbudsman)

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