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An anonymous survey is being conducted in mahallas to study situations and events in Karakalpakstan
On August 24, 2022, members of the Commission for the study of situations and events in the Republic of Karakalpakstan met with citizens who arrived at the Headquarters in the morning and accepted their appeals.

In the course of conversations with family members of persons detained on suspicion of participation in the events that took place in Karakalpakstan, it became known that they had information about where their children were being held, had the opportunity to communicate with them by phone and they were provided with lawyers.

Some of those who applied expressed their regret at the interference of their children in the demonstration and turned to the members of the Commission for help. Citizens were explained that the Commission should not interfere in the investigation and court proceedings, in addition, our legislation establishes legal measures in cases of interference in the investigation or resolution of court cases.

In the afternoon, members of the Commission visited several mahallas and met with citizens. In an open dialogue, brief information about the activities of the Independent Commission was presented, the opinions of citizens on past events were studied. As we have already reported, in the course of the study, an anonymous survey of citizens is conducted in order to achieve greater objectivity. An anonymous survey was also conducted at the meeting with mahalla activists.

Currently, when conducting anonymous surveys, work continues to expand the coverage of territories, to study the opinion of as many citizens as possible.

The results of this survey can be found in the final conclusion of the Commission.


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