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Refutation of the report, published under the title "The first official report that those arrested in Karakalpakstan may be subjected to torture" on the website
The report, published on August 17 at 18:47, notes that the office of the Ombudsman Feruza Eshmatova, who heads the parliamentary commission investigating the July events in Karakalpakstan, reported for the first time that those arrested may have been tortured.

Thus, in a message published by the Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman), the following is noted: “The opinions of lawyers on ongoing investigative actions regarding events and circumstances in Karakalpakstan were also studied. In particular, information was received about cases of obstruction of their visits with persons under their protection in the pre-trial detention center, on the packages of close relatives of detainees, about cases of torture during investigative actions”.

As we reported earlier, the facts discovered by the Commission during the study will be reflected only in the final conclusion of the Commission. Until the announcement of the final conclusion, the results of the Commission's study will not be disclosed.

It should be noted that the activities of the Commission are promptly covered, including information about the objects in which studies are carried out, what the attention of the Commission was drawn to, what measures were taken to study the mood of the population. However, the results of the studies were not disclosed. Since all information and the validity of the figures given must be carefully checked.

Recall that the dissemination of unreliable and biased information can cause a feeling of distrust and hopelessness among the population.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)


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