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With the help of the regional representative of the Ombudsman, minor children whose mother was in a pre-trial detention center were taken under state protection
The Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) was approached by citizen Kh.N. In her appeal, the applicant stated that her three minor children were living with her father, D.A. and with that in mind, she asked for practical assistance in appointing a father as guardian of her children.

This appeal was taken under control and sent for study to the Regional Representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Samarkand region.

This appeal was studied jointly with the regional representative of the Ombudsman, the khokimiyat of the Koshrabat district and the branch of the Association "SOS Children of the Mahalla of Uzbekistan" in Samarkand. A meeting was held with the applicant Kh.N. in Kattakurgan remand prison no. 7, during which the issues of treatment were studied.

The family conditions of the applicant's father D.A. to appoint him as guardian of the children. It was established that D.A. there are 3 minor children from the 2nd wife, who are under the guardianship of the father. In addition, there are no material conditions in the house for the daily needs of 3 more children of the applicant Kh.N.

In view of the above, the children of applicant Kh.N. together with the khokimiyat of Koshrabat district, they were placed in the Samarkand branch of the Association "SOS Children's mahallas of Uzbekistan".

Applicant Kh.N. information was provided that her children were placed in the branch of the Association "SOS Children of the Mahalla of Uzbekistan" in Samarkand, where living conditions are good, the children go to a summer camp and a kindergarten. She thanked the relevant organizations for the positive decision of the appeal and that her children were taken to the protection of the state and good conditions were created for them.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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