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28.5 million soums were allocated for surgery to a citizen with congenital heart disease with the support of the Ombudsman
The Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) received an appeal from citizen Y.S. in connection with the detection of congenital heart disease in his brother Y.N. and the lack of state assistance for his operation. The author wrote that the patient's condition could worsen if he was not operated on immediately, but that he could not bear the cost of the operation because of his difficult social situation.

This appeal was sent to the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in Samarkand region, Diyor Khusanov, for review and immediate appropriate action.

 On the basis of the Regional Representative's appeal, the Regional Department of Health issued a surgery order to the patient.

Also, a corresponding appeal was sent to the hokim of Narpai district, which recommended that the patient Y.N. be included in the "Iron Notebook" of Istiklol mahalla and that funds be allocated for surgical expenses.

As a result, 21.5 million soums were allocated for Y.N.'s surgery. In addition, the regional cardiologic dispensary reimbursed the remaining surgery expenses for 7 million soums.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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