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With the support of the Ombudsman, a subsidy was allocated to a participant of the Chernobyl NPP
Citizen M.N. from Tashkent, who is disabled 2nd group, participant of Chernobyl NPP, addressed the Ombudsman and informed that his application for housing on preferential terms is not considered by the comptetent authorities in accordance with the legislation.

According to the applicant, he lives with his family in unfavorable conditions. Despite the fact that the legislation provides for monetary compensation and benefits to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan affected by the Chernobyl disaster, his application for a subsidy for the purchase of housing was not satisfied.

The appeal was taken under control by the Ombudsman, and as a result of the study, it was revealed that the citizen had applied to the relevant authorities for several years and, when considering the appeal, the provisions of the law were not fully complied with.

After that, the appeal was sent to the relevant state bodies for consideration on the basis of legislation. As a result, citizen M.N., with a disability of the 2nd group, who was a member of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, was given a subsidy for the purchase of housing.

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Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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