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What shortcomings were revealed in colony No. 38 in Samarkand?
On March 24, the Regional Representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Samarkand region Diyor Khusanov and the chief specialist of the Samarkand regional branch of the Yuksalish national movement Dilnur Azamov visited colony No. 38 in the city of Samarkand.

The third regional colony No. 38 is intended for keeping male prisoners. As of March 24, 390 convicts are serving sentences in the colony, 359 of them are able-bodied, 323 are involved in labor. The convicts involved in the production are engaged in the manufacture of bricks, washing and cleaning glass bottles. The average salary of convicts is 960,000 soums per month.

In the residential part of the colony there is a medical department for prisoners. It is intended for the treatment of prisoners in outpatient and inpatient conditions of the medical department. During the monitoring, it was found that 8 prisoners are being treated in the medical department and 23 types of first aid medicines are available.

There is a separate recreation room for 50 prisoners for cultural recreation, which is equipped with a TV. The colony also has a separate library. Today the library has 1350 books.

There is 1 large kitchen for convict cooking, which is equipped with a stove, gas and electricity. However, it was recommended to update all the tablecloths on the tables in this kitchen, as they all fell into disrepair.

The bathrooms of the prisoners were rebuilt. When inspecting one of the showers in the bathrooms, it was found that there was no hot water, and instructions were given to eliminate this situation.

During the visit, premises intended for short-term and long-term meetings with family members of prisoners were also inspected. The total number of rooms for lengthy meetings was 3, therefore this number is not enough for 390 convicts. This leads to the formation of queues for meetings with family members. The necessary recommendations are also given for the repair of special premises for short-term meetings in accordance with modern requirements.

Along with this, during the visit, in the presence of a regional representative, the issue of early withdrawal of a disciplinary sanction received by 2 convicts in the institution as an encouragement was discussed. In addition, an ID-card of identification of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan - a document proving the identity of the owner and citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with an electronic portable device containing personal biographical and biometric data of the owner of the ID-card, were issued to 8 prisoners.

During the visit, collective and individual meetings were held with convicts.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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