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The Ombudsman received an appeal from the pre-trial detention center in Karakalpakstan
The Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) received an appeal from the accused A.A., who is being held in pre-trial detention center No. 2 in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, about the deterioration of her health. This appeal, in order to study the situation in detail, was sent to the regional representative of the Ombudsman in Karakalpakstan. Regional representative Zhenisbai Shlymbetov visited remand prison No. 2 of the 6th regional coordinating center of the Department for the Execution of Punishments under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and met with the complainant. It is established that the applicant A.A. accused under part 3 of article 168 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and has been in custody as a preventive measure in Detention Center No. 2 since January 28, 2022.

According to the prisoner, who had been treated for heart disease for many years, her health deteriorated noticeably after her arrest, and on February 2, 2022, she was examined by cardiologists and neurologists at the Karakalpak branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Care. Based on the results of the examination, the patient was recommended to undergo ExoCS, Fibroelastometry, MRI of the brain and EEG by specialized doctors.

During the conversation, the prisoner said that she was currently being treated in the medical department of the detention center, noted that she did not have family conditions for conducting the necessary specialized medical examination, and asked the regional representative to provide practical assistance in treatment in a specialized medical institution for qualified medical care.

During the conversation, she also said that she had 4 children, and 1 son had an eye disease, and asked for practical help in treating the child. In a conversation, the author of the appeal expressed dissatisfaction with the conditions of this pre-trial detention center and the actions of the employees.

With the support of the regional representative, the applicant A.A. was taken to the Karakalpak branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medicine for a specialized medical examination and diagnosis. Currently, the accused is undergoing treatment in the department of medical and preventive care of Detention Facility No. 2.

Her 6-year-old son was also examined by doctors of the Karakalpak branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Ophthalmic Microsurgery.

As a result of examination by doctors, a conclusion was issued on the need for an operation on the patient. Currently, taking into account the family conditions of the patient, a free operation is planned in this institution.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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