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Citizens whose labor rights were violated turned to the regional representative of the Authorized Person for Human Rights in Kashkadarya region
At the reception of the regional representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Kashkadarya region was attended by a resident of the Karshi city N.Sh.. She noted that she was an employee of the limited liability company "Suvtaminoti" in the Karshi xcity of  and was illegally dismissed.

This appeal was taken under control by the regional representative and sent to the head of Suvtaminoti LLC, Karshi. The head of LLC "Suvtaminoti" in Karshi was explained the situation that citizen N.Sh. was illegally fired and that her rights were violated. As a result, citizen N.Sh. reinstated to her position.

Along with this, a citizen K.T. resident of the village of Oktyrma Okrabod, Dekhkanabad region appealed to the regional representative. In his appeal, he stated that the Kashkadarya Regional Department of Transport did not pay him incentive payments for August 2021.

As it turned out, citizen T. K. was not paid a total of 666.3 thousand soums of monthly incentive payments, meals and travel expenses for 10 working days in August 2021 at the expense of the Transport and Logistics Development Fund under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

As a result of the intervention of the regional representative, he was paid the above amount of money.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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