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Cooperation between the Ombudsmen of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan is strengthening
On March 4, 2022, within the framework of the International Conference on the topic “Regional cooperation of Central Asian countries within the framework of the Joint Action Plan for the Implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights  (Ombudsman) Feruza Eshmatova and Ombudsman for Children’s Rights Aliya Yunusova met with the Deputy Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic Albert Kolopov.

At the meeting, they discussed the ongoing work in our country to ensure human rights, the introduction of new mechanisms in the process of working with appeals, the prevention of torture, ensuring openness and transparency, strengthening freedom of speech, protecting the rights of children.

The Deputy Ombudsman for Human Rights of the Kyrgyz Republic also informed the Ombudsman about the analysis of complaints and the procedure for conducting familiarization activities in institutions with restricted freedom of movement.

During the dialogue, the importance of cooperation between the Ombudsmen of the Central Asian countries in ensuring human rights and handling complaints was noted and areas of cooperation were identified.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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