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Did the disabled father and his only caregiver receive social assistance? The circumstances were clarified by the employees of the Ombudsman
08 Nov
A citizen living in the Zangiata district of the Tashkent region applied to the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) for material and social assistance due to a difficult family situation. In her appeal, she noted that she appealed to the responsible organizations, but there was no result.
As part of the project “School of the Ombudsman, a medical examination, a labor fair and a legal exhibition were organized in Syrdarya
08 Nov
The Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) pays special attention to raising the legal awareness of the population as one of the main areas of its activity. Because the analysis of appeals sent to the Ombudsman showed that the level of awareness of reforms to strengthen the social protection of the population and improve housing conditions in recent years is low. Therefore, starting this year, the project “School of the Ombudsman” is being implemented, aimed at raising citizens' awareness of the opportunities and privileges created for citizens in remote areas of the republic. To date, the events of the “School of the Ombudsman” have been held in Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Fergana, Namangan, Surkhandarya, Navoi, Samarkand, Tashkent and Syrdarya regions and thousands of citizens have taken part in them.
Regional representative of the Ombudsman in Bukhara region met with convicts suffering from tuberculosis
04 Nov
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that develops when bacteria enter the body. It starts showing up gradually. Pathogenic bacteria do not manifest themselves in the patient's body for a very long time. It often develops and multiplies in the lungs and its tissues.
Drivers should not pay fines due to road repairs - Ombudsman
03 Nov
It is known that repairs and maintenance work are carried out on the roads from time to time. However, in some cases, drivers are forced to violate traffic rules due to blocked roads.
Complaint of a citizen who was cut off electricity and gas, considered on the spot
02 Nov
The social network Facebook spread the news that the house of citizen O. Abdullayeva was illegally disconnected from electricity and gas, so she and her three minor children are forced to live in difficult conditions. Regarding this message, which attracted public attention, Internet users left comments on the Facebook page of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis (Ombudsman) and asked to take control of the situation.
Another 35 accused who participated in the events in Karakalpakstan were returned to their families on the basis of public guarantee
01 Nov
The Commission, in the course of studying the appeals of citizens, formed the third list of the accused who repented of their deeds and have difficult social conditions, and took appropriate measures to return them to their families.
Former employee who was on parental leave reinstated at work, 1.5 million soums of moral damages recovered from employer – Ombudsman
01 Nov
A resident of the Okhangaron district of the Tashkent region M.Sh. applied to the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) with an appeal about illegal dismissal by the employer, despite the fact that she was on parental leave.
The Ombudsman's official response to the QALAMPIR.UZ material about “internal issues”
31 Oct
On October 30, 2022, a special film was announced on the QALAMPIR.UZ website called “Internal issues or did Ayatullo Makhsumov really commit suicide?”.
Representative of the Ombudsman took part in a seminar on conventions of the Council of Europe
28 Oct
On October 26-28, 2022, a seminar on Council of Europe conventions was organized for representatives of state bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Strasbourg, France.