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Cooperation and Human Rights in the Probation Service
On October 6 this year the Authorized Person  of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) jointly with the Defense and Security Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis held a round table on "Cooperation and provision of human rights in the activities of probation services" in the conference hall of the national movement "Yuksalish". 

The purpose of the event - to develop proposals and recommendations on improving the effectiveness of probation services, including human rights, by analyzing the joint tasks of ministries and agencies to provide social, legal and psychological assistance to convicts and persons released on parole from punishment.

The main task of the Probation Service is to educate a person who has emerged from the streets of crime, to adapt him to society, to public life.
According to the data, in 2020, 655 “Welcome to Work” events were organized in cooperation with employment centers for the employment of supervised persons, more than 6,000 supervised persons were given job referrals, of which about 4,900 were employed.

Of the more than 2,400 supervised individuals who did not have a specific profession, about 2,000 were referred to vocational training, and the rest received various training such as driving, construction, domestic service, landscaping and etc.

In addition, supervised persons in probation units are provided with legal and other advice who wish to engage in business or other useful work activities, as well as assistance in obtaining consumer credit.
Unfortunately, despite the number of positive steps taken, in the past year of 2020 there were cases of non-compliance with the law and deliberate evasion of punishment by convicts, to whom unexpunged sentences were commuted to imprisonment.

Based on the above, the participants discussed further strengthening of cooperation in the field of effective organization of cooperation with relevant state bodies and organizations, as well as civil society in providing social, legal and psychological assistance to persons under the supervision of the Probation Service.
As a result of the round table, a memorandum was signed between the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) and the Probation Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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