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Members of the Commission conducted another study in the pre-trial detention center
Members of the Commission for the study of the events that occurred in the Republic of Karakalpakstan visited pre-trial detention center No. 2 in the city of Nukus.


First, rooms for short-term visits of persons detained in the detention center, rooms for meetings with lawyers and a room for investigative actions were inspected.

As part of the monitoring, the conditions created for living, feeding and using medical services for detainees held in a pre-trial detention center and convicts left to perform work related to household services were studied.

In particular, it was found that the medical care department has a common treatment room, X-ray and dental rooms, and they are provided with the necessary medical equipment and medicines.

During the conversations with the detainees, there were no complaints about the conditions of detention in the pre-trial detention center.

It should be noted that during the monitoring it was reported that the pre-trial detention center is fully equipped with video surveillance devices, and the recordings from surveillance cameras are tied to a single system throughout the republic. The prison staff stressed that it is impossible to delete these records.

Let us remind you that the information received from detainees during the monitoring about the events that have taken place will be reflected in the final opinion of the Commission.




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