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Ombudsman: 160 people are held in a Special reception for the detention of persons detained in administrative order for 60 people in Samarkand
On April 20, the Regional Representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Samarkand region, Diyor Khusanov, paid a monitoring visit to the Special reception for the maintenance of administrative detainees in the region. It was also attended by the chief specialist of the Samarkand regional branch of the national movement "Yuksalish" D. Azamov.

On the day of the monitoring visit, 161 detainees were kept in the Special reception. Eight of them were women and the remaining 153 were men. In fact, the institution, established in 2020, is designed for 60 people.

However, in practice, instead of 60 people, 160 people were kept in the institution. In the course of studying the conditions of detention of detainees in the special detention center, shortcomings were identified and appropriate recommendations were made to eliminate them.

Meals for prisoners are delivered according to an approved menu based on an outsourced service.

The shower rooms for the detainees were repaired, no shortcomings were found.

The special reception has a first-aid post for detainees and is equipped with 23 types of medicines.

All prisoners serving sentences in the institution are able-bodied, 18 of them are provided with work. 16 of them were employed at contract sites. The average salary of prisoners is 40,500 soums per day.

When studying the conditions created for cultural recreation of prisoners and meetings with close relatives, it was found that in the Special reception there are separate rooms for cultural recreation and a library for 10 prisoners. The library contains 150 different works of fiction and legal literature. During the monitoring, rooms for meetings of close relatives of the detainees in the Special reception were also examined. The number of rooms for short visits is only 1, which is not enough for the 160 prisoners held as of 20 April. As a result, there are long queues to meet family members. In this regard, the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman made recommendations to increase the number of rooms for short-term meetings.

In the institution there are 2 telephone rooms. Telephone services are paid by the administration of the Special reception.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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