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Regional Representative of the Commissioner of Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in Andijan region
Ibrokhimov Jasurbek Shermukhammadovich
Phone :
74 223-25-58
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00
Andijan city, Navoi shoh street, house number 126

J.Ibrohimov was born in 1985 in the Khojaabad district of the Andijan region. He has a higher education degree in law. He holds the special military rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

From 2008 to 2014, he worked as an investigator in the investigative unit and later as a senior investigator in the investigative group of the Kurgantepa District Police Department of the Andijan region. From 2014 to 2021, he served as a senior investigator at the Khanabad City Department of Internal Affairs, Acting Head of the Investigative Department of the Kurgantepa District Department of Internal Affairs, and Head of the Investigative Department of the Khojaabad District Department of Internal Affairs.

From 2021 to 2025, he worked as a senior investigator, an investigator for particularly important cases, and a senior inspector in the personnel group of the Department for the Organization of Investigative and Inquiry Activities at the Investigative Department of the Andijan Regional Department of Internal Affairs.

Since February 2025, he has been serving as the Regional Representative of the Commissioner of Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Andijan region.

Ensuring observance of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in the regions, organizing monitoring of human rights observance;

Reception and consideration of citizens' appeals, assistance in restoring their violated rights;

On their own initiative or at the request of the author of the appeal, organize consideration of the appeal with the participation of experts, specialists and representatives of interested organizations;

Meetings and conversations with detainees, arrested persons, administrative detainees and prisoners;

Carrying out information and educational work in the field of observance and protection of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests together with local governments, the media and other institutions of civil society

Regional Representative of the Commissioner of Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in Samarkand region
Toshniyozov Otabek Polvonovich
Phone :
93 994-47-57
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00
Samarkand city, Dakhbed street, house number 32

O.Toshniyozov was born in 1972 in the Kattakurgan district of the Samarkand region. He has a higher education and specializes in civil engineering and law. He holds the special title of Counselor of Justice of the 2nd class.

In 1994, he worked as the chief power engineer at the Kattakurgan City Park of Culture and Recreation in the Samarkand region. From 1996 to 2001, he served as a bailiff at the Narpai District Court and later as a senior bailiff at the Kattakurgan City Court. Between 2001 and 2005, he held the position of senior bailiff at the Kattakurgan City Bailiff Division of the Samarkand region.

From 2005 to 2018, he worked in the Department of Justice of the Samarkand region, where he served as chief adviser, head of department, and deputy head. Between 2019 and 2021, he was the First Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at the Law College of the Samarkand region. In 2021–2022, he held the position of Deputy Head of the Department of Justice of the Samarkand region and Director of the Law College. From 2022 to 2025, he worked as the Head of the Legal Department at Samarkand Kamalak LLC Invest Textile and as a lawyer for Sam Profi Dom LLC.

Since February 2025, he has been serving as the Regional Representative of the Commissioner of Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Samarkand region.

Ensuring observance of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in the regions, organizing monitoring of human rights observance;

Reception and consideration of citizens' appeals, assistance in restoring their violated rights;

On their own initiative or at the request of the author of the appeal, organize consideration of the appeal with the participation of experts, specialists and representatives of interested organizations;

Meetings and conversations with detainees, arrested persons, administrative detainees and prisoners;

Carrying out information and educational work in the field of observance and protection of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests together with local governments, the media and other institutions of civil society