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Ombudsman's official statement on the news circulated on social networks under the heading
02 Jun
The appeal of the mother of the detainee S.K., accused of committing a crime under paragraph "a, c" part 2 of Art. 166 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, delivered to detention center No. 10 on the basis of the determination of the Ferghana City Court for Criminal Cases, distributed on social networks, was taken under the control of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)
Human rights and legitimate interests are the highest value of the state and society
20 Feb
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, where more than 35 million people, representing more than 140 nationalities and ethnicities live, everyone has equal rights and obligations. It must be recognized that ensuring fundamental human rights and freedoms is a priority among the reforms carried out in Uzbekistan.
Human Rights as the Highest Value
18 Feb
Abstract:The article reveals legal documents .on combating human trafficking. The international law in the field of human rights is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the functions of the United Nations Office of Human Rights in promoting a human rights-based approach in the fight against human trafficking.
The national preventive mechanism under the Ombudsman has been strengthened
23 Dec
Since the issue of ensuring human rights and combating torture requires very broad and continuous research and study, the international community is working to join forces in combating this scourge and to develop binding norms at the international level.
Ombudsman: All women are under State Protection
26 Apr
At a recent time, a lot of unethical reports about various forms of violence against women, mental and physical harassment, which push them to commit suicide, have been spread on social networks. One thing is clear that there may actually be more cases of violence against women. We cannot deny this. Because, no matter how difficult it may be for an Uzbek woman, she does not want to disclose it to her acquaintances and neighbors, not to mention to disseminate it through social networks.   
04 Mar
It is known that strict quarantine requirements were established in the past 2020 due to the global prevalence of coronavirus infection. In many organizations and enterprises, employees have the opportunity to work remotely.